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Lesson 318

In me salvation’s means and end are one.

1. In me, God’s holy Son, are reconciled all parts of Heaven’s plan to save the world. ²What could conflict, when all the parts have but one purpose and one aim? ³How could there be a single part that stands alone, or one of more or less importance than the rest? ⁴I am the means by which God’s Son is saved, because salvation’s purpose is to find the sinlessness that God has placed in me. ⁵I was created as the thing I seek. ⁶I am the goal the world is searching for. ⁷I am God’s Son, His one eternal Love. ⁸I am salvation’s means and end as well.

2. Let me today, my Father, take the role You offer me in Your request that I accept Atonement for myself. ²For thus does what is thereby reconciled in me become as surely reconciled to You.

(ACIM, W-318.1:1–2:2)

Posted in ACIM Lessons

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